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:XUL (Extensible User-interface Language)

XUL(Exteible用户界面语言)是一种标准的方式交换数据,描述一个程序”的用户界面,或者至少是它的一部分,可以由编程控制。从历史上看,User interfaces have had been about to customize so they order the work across indicates various operating platforms to as Windows and Macintosh. Netscape and Mozilla, an open group that develops Netscape,共同开发的XUL来解决这个问题。(XUL开发说XUL是明显的黑旋风,押韵/ rule.)
灵活性是XUL的另一种资产。这是一个应用Exteible标记语言(XML),级联样式表(CSS),文档对象模型(DOM)和超文本标记语言(HTML)。Portio of some XUL documents must be platform specific, because platforms have company’s default preferences concerning the arrangement of/widgets/to as mail – the inbox ico and dialog butto.

最近更新时间:2017-12-08 EN
